

C lyde
Vernon Cessna had been a successful Overland automobile
dealer in Enid, Oklahoma for several years until 1911 when
he was struck with flying fever. Fascinated by the frail but
efficient Bleriot XI monoplane that traversed the English
Channel in 1909, Cessna eventually left Oklahoma for New
York City, where he worked briefly for the Queen Aeroplane
Company and learned about airplanes and how they were
Cessna dubbed his first airplane the "Silverwing."
It was an American-built copy of the Bleriot XI, and would
eventually teach Cessna the art of aviating. Powered by a
two-stroke, four-cylinder Elbridge "Aero Special" engine
that developed 40 hp. at 1,050 RPM, the Elbridge was a
marine powerplant that had been converted for aviation use.
In Throughout 1911 Cessna made many flights in the airplane
on the Great Salt Plains
near Jet, Oklahoma in an effort to teach himself how to fly.
He and Silverwing suffered numerous accidents, but in
December 1911 Clyde made a highly successful, five-mile
flight near Enid that included turns and ended with a safe
landing at the departure point.
Flushed with success, Cessna severed his
ties with the automobile business and devoted his time,
energy, and money to exhibition flying. It was a lucrative
endeavour for any pilot who could keep his airplane aloft
for only a few minutes at holiday events and county fairs.
During 1912-1915 he built several monoplanes, all of them
powered by six-cylinder Anzani radial engines that developed
40-60 hp. Although successful, the Cessna Exhibition Company
only whetted Clyde's appetite to become more involved in the
fledgling aviation business. Flying was fun and profitable,
but what he really wanted to do was manufacture and sell
airplanes of his own
design to the public .
In 1916 he set up shop in a vacant
building in Wichita, Kansas and built a new airplane for the
1917 exhibition season. Cessna also established a flight
school at the "factory" and enrolled five young men as
students. When the United States declared war on the Central
Powers in April 1917, Cessna's exhibition flying ground to
halt. Instead, he returned to farming at his home near Rago,
Kansas and harvested wheat to help feed the "doughboys"
fighting in France.
Clyde's interest in aeronautics never
faded during the war, and he dreamed of returning to Wichita
and resuming the manufacture of airplanes. Cessna continued
flying, however, and bought a new Laird
"Swallow" biplane that he flew during the early
1920s. He used the OX-5-powered Swallow to give his
favourite nephew, Dwane Wallace, an introduction to the
world of aviation.
Late in 1924, Cessna was visited by Lloyd
Stearman and Walter Beech, who had been key employees of the
Swallow Company under leadership of the cantankerous Jacob
M. "Jake" Moellendick. The two young men, in concert with a
few other people, had split from Swallow and planned to form
a new business to be known as the Travel Air Manufacturing
Company. Stearman urged Cessna to join them, chiefly because
Lloyd knew he and Beech needed Cessna's expertise in
aviation as well as his money and equipment. It was a hard
sell, but Cessna agreed.

In return for his participation and
investment, Clyde was named president. The infant company
began life in a cramped, 30x30-ft. space in the rear of a
planing mill in downtown Wichita. Travel Air's first product
was an attractive, two-bay biplane designed by Stearman and
was dubbed the "Model A." It made its first
flight in March 1925. At a price of more than $3,000,
the OX-5-powered Model A was expensive compared with the
plethora of war-surplus Curtiss JN-4 and Standard J-1
biplanes that still were available, but it outperformed them
both and gradually sales increased to 19 airplanes the first
The company introduced the improved Model
B biplane in 1926 that featured the new, 200-hp. Wright J4
air-cooled radial engine. That year Cessna convinced Walter
Beech that the company should offer a monoplane with an
enclosed cabin for use by small airlines. Beech agreed, and
the Travel Air Type 5000 was based largely on a monoplane
designed and custom-built by Cessna earlier in 1926. A
slightly larger and more powerful version of the prototype
airplane was ordered by National Air Transport, and 8
eventually were delivered to the airline.
Despite the success of the Type 5000,
Cessna was restless. In January 1927 he sold his stock and
resigned from Travel Air to build a full cantilever
monoplane he named the "Phantom." It was a graceful,
three-place machine powered by a 90-hp. Anzani radial engine
and flew well. In 1927 Cessna and Victor Roos joined forces
to found the Cessna Aircraft Company on the west side of
Wichita. With help from his talented son Eldon and other
company engineers, in 1927-1929 Clyde marketed a succession
of 4- and 6-place monoplanes designated Model AA, Model BW,
and the popular Model AW series.
With the advent of Wall Street's collapse
in the autumn of 1929, Cessna and other manufacturers soon
found themselves without customers for their products. To
spur sales, Cessna slashed prices but to no avail. Faced
with the prospect of bankruptcy, in 1931 the board of
directors of the Cessna Aircraft Co. voted to oust Cessna
and close the factory doors. It seemed as though Clyde's
involvement in aviation was over, but he never gave up.
Undaunted, Cessna and Eldon rented vacant
facilities in the abandoned Travel Air complex on East
Central Ave. and created the C.V. Cessna Aircraft Co. that
specialized in building diminutive, custom racing airplanes.
The most successful of these was the CR-3 owned and flown by
the great air-racing pilot Johnny Livingston. In the wake of
losing his company to the stockholders in 1931, Cessna was
dealt another blow in 1933 when his close friend Roy Liggett
died in the crash of the CR-2 racer built by Clyde and
Eldon. Cessna's grief ran deep. He withdrew from aviation
and retreated to his farm near Rago.
In 1934 his nephew Dwane Wallace, armed
with a degree in aeronautical engineering and with help from
his brother Dwight Wallace, wrested control of the defunct
Cessna Aircraft Company from the stockholders and introduced
the classic Cessna C-34 monoplane. Clyde agreed to
participate in the new venture only in a ceremonial
capacity, and was not involved directly in the day-to-day
operations of the company. The C-34 was a success and was
named the world's most efficient airplane. Dwane Wallace
went on to guide the company through the turbulent 1930s,
oversaw development of the twin-engine T-50 that became the
famed Cessna "Bobcat" of World War Two fame, and introduced
the Model 190/195, Model 120/140 into the post-war market.
Later, these airplanes were followed by the ubiquitous Model
150 and 172 Skyhawk as well as the sleek Model 310 made
famous by the Sky King television series.
After more than 40 years in the aviation
business and incalculable contributions to aeronautics,
Clyde Cessna died in November 1954 age 74. He never held a
pilot's license and had received only a rudimentary
education, but his genius with airplanes coupled with an
unshakable determination to succeed has made his name and
legacy an icon in the history of flying.
After noting the impressive performance
of Roy Liggett's little Cessna CR-2 at the 1932 National Air
Races. Johnny Livingston decided he would have to try to get
one of those for himself. He contacted builders Clyde and
Eldon Cessna at Wichita, and within a month plans were being
made for the construction of the Cessna CR-3 racer.
The new ship was to be a modified version
of the CR-2 built to Livingston's specifications. The wing
was raised to the shoulder position (the CR-2 was a midwing
design), the engine cowl was tighter with rocker box cover
bumps, and the wheels were slightly larger due to the 20 x 4
tires. The cockpit canopy was a large transparent greenhouse
which allowed room for Livingston to raise the seat four
inches for landing visibility. Since the airplane was very
sensitive, the designers were not sure of what might happen
if the pilot's head was raised into the slipstream, however,
later at Chicago a smaller canopy was fitted with no change
in flying characteristics. Both versions closed over the
pilot's head by means of snaps. The modified canopy,
however, could also be left semi-opened in
The CR-3's landing gear was retracted by
releasing down-locks connected to cables and then to a lever
in the cockpit. After these down-locks were released, the
gear was wound up by a large lever type crank. When the gear
was cranked down the down-locks snapped into place. The
tail-skid retracted by means of another lever located at the
pilot's left. The landing gear was very soft acting. It was
equipped with an internal spring positioned between the
upper ends of the members in a horizontal position.
A special prop was ordered from Hamilton
Standard for the new racer and arrived just in time for the
test flights that took place during June of 1933. This prop
provcd to be very efficient and was used throughout most of
the CR-3's racing career. On two occasions the prop from
Livingston's famous No. 14 Short-Wing Coupe was used. This
prop gave the racer some additional performance but had only
four inches ground clearance, and necessitated that landings
and take-offs be made from almost the three point
attitude-so the use of this prop was kept to a minimum.
The Cessna CR-3 was 17 ft. long, with a
wingspan of 18 1/2 ft., and was 4 1/2 ft. high. Fitted with
a 145 hp Warner engine it weighed 750 lbs. It was painted
bright red and yellow, with red license numbers, and later
carried the black number 27 on its flanks Livingston's
certificate number was 1427 which accounts for the racing
number 14 on his Monocoupe and the 27 on the Cessna. The
Cessna cost $2,700 minus the engine and prop which brought
it up to about $5,000.
The oil tank was left out until the last
minute, then the plane was propped up in flight attitude
with Livingston in the cockpit, and the tank was used as
balance to give zero degrees longitudinal stability. The
knife edged horizontal stabilizer therefore carried no up or
forces in level flight.
The metal fairings that constituted the
wing root filleting were left off during the first test hop.
Immediately after take-off the horizontal stabilizer started
to vibrate to such a degree that Livingston said it looked
like it was four or five inches thick. Hoping it would stay
together he returned to the field and made a safe landing.
The fairings were installed and no further vibration was
During these early flights Livingston
found the plane to be so sensitive longitudinally that it
was almost un-flyable. First he
would find himself bumping against the top of the canopy,
and the next moment he would be forced down against the
seat. During the second flight he attempted a fast roll but
found he could not get the plane to rotate beyond the
vertical position. Upon landing, a conference was held and
it was decided that the special, tight fitting, engine
baffle plates had set up a venturi effect that was
responsible for this unusual behaviour. The cowling and
baffles were removed and another flight confirmed this
theory. The sensitive elevator control problem was solved by
placing a piece of slit copper tubing over the leading edge
of the stabilizer distributing the airflow enough to
decrease the sensitivity.
Although Livingston was never able to
determine the plane's maximum performance he did attain a
level flight speed of 255 mph. Stalling speed was 65 mph.
Late in August of 1933 Livingston left
Detroit for a flight to Columbus, Ohio, where he was to
subsequently appear in an air show. En
route, he noticed that his tail skid would not
retract. When he arrived over Columbus he further determined
that a weld was broken on one of the main landing gear
members and it would not lock down for landing.
After circling over Columbus for about 30
minutes he determined that it would be necessary to bail
out. He dropped a note to that effect and flew out over some
open fields where he attempted to ditch the plane. The
Cessna spun twice as he tried to get clear of it, and he had
to climb back in both times. Finally, on the third attempt,
he dove free and the tiny ship plummeted to earth where it
was completely demolished. However, during its short career
and with Livingston's superb flying skill, the racer had
swept the events it participated in during the American Air
races in Chicago and had written its own particular page in
American air racing history.
The little monoplane shuddered as its
Warner Scarab radial engine coughed to life and settled into
a steady, staccato rumble. The whole aircraft quivered as it
sat nervously on the grass, surrounded by a small group of
spectators who were anxiously awaiting its first flight. The
pilot, nestled in the open cockpit, donned his leather
helmet and flying goggles, nodding repeatedly as a lanky man
stood behind the wing shouting last-minute instructions.
After gesturing with his hands as if to drive home an
important point, the man turned and walked briskly away from
the silver machine. People covered their ears as the pilot
thrust the throttle forward, all seven cylinders of the
mighty little Warner roaring in anticipation as the airplane
trundled across the prairie for
takeoff. The short taxi to the end of the field was a bone-jarring
experience, the pilot leaning his head first left, then
right to check for obstructions ahead.
Swinging the ship into the Kansas wind, the aviator paused
momentarily to check the plane's vital signs, then cast a
nervous glance across the field at the crowd. Every eye was
fixed upon him. Satisfied, he eased the throttle forward to
the stop. The machine surged ahead, accelerating like a
bullet as it pushed the pilot back against his seat. The
Scarab howled in protest. A little forward movement of the
stick lifted the tail up almost instantly. The pilot
struggled to master his mount; full right rudder barely kept
the monoplane's course straight. Using all his skill to
maintain control, he eased the stick back, and the airspeed
quickly passed the 80-mph mark. But the wheels stayed on
terra firma, and fear began to tie knots in the pilot's
stomach. At 100 mph, with the stick aft, the nose still
refused to rise-the short, semi-elliptical wings strained to
produce lift. The pilot's heart was pounding, his mind
racing. What was wrong He watched in horror as the fenced
perimeter of the field loomed ahead. In desperation he
pulled back hard on the stick. Nothing happened. He was
going to crash! Then, suddenly and without warning, the
craft struck a small berm and was tossed into the air
against its will. It staggered forward as if about to fall,
but remained airborne.
The rebellious monoplane had even more surprises in store
for its hapless pilot. As if the takeoff
had not been exciting enough, he immediately
discovered that longitudinal stability was marginal at best.
The slightest movement of the stick provoked a nasty
reaction that was no less offensive when opposite pitch
input was applied. Fighting pilot-induced oscillations and
realizing that the beast beneath him was virtually
uncontrollable, the flier decided to land. Sweating
profusely despite the icy January air that swirled through
the cockpit, he carefully entered a slow turn back to the
runway. But that manoeuvre only aggravated the pitching, and
loss of control seemed imminent. The pilot fought back his
fears and managed to gradually nurse the disobedient machine
around the field and onto final approach to the runway.
Maintaining airspeed was crucial. Now more anxious than ever
to get back on the ground, the pilot planned his approach
carefully. He had to get the machine down safely or
thousands of dollars and months of hard work could go up in
smoke. With the airspeed nailed at 130 mph to maintain
elevator effectiveness, the pilot guided
his steed ever closer to the waiting grass airfield. Then,
running out of patience and runway, he cut the throttle and
switched off the magnetos, and the
landing gear hit the ground with a hard thud.
The tiny airplane bounced precariously down the runway and
finally rolled to a stop, the Scarab silent except for the
crisp crackle of cooling cylinders. The crowd ran across the
field and quickly surrounded the aircraft. Shaken and
trembling, the aviator was helped from the cockpit, happy to
have survived his baptism of fire in the air. So ended the
maiden flight of the Cessna CR-1 (Cessna Racer, No. 1) with
Eldon Cessna at the controls, on January 18, 1932
Clyde Cessna once said, "Speed is the only reason for
flying" By the end of 1931, his never-ending quest for speed
had become the foundation of the infant C.V. Cessna Aircraft
Company in Wichita, Kan. The company's only reason for
existence was to design, build and race a new breed of
diminutive, high-performance monoplanes, of which the CR-1
was the first example. Although the CR-1 had flown
successfully, it was obvious to Cessna and his son Eldon
after its trial flight that it was unsafe to fly and needed
modifications. It was designed specifically as a competitive
racer in closed-course events, with wings that spanned a
mere 16 feet and a fuselage measuring barely 12 feet long.
Its gross weight was less than 1,000 pounds. But the most
significant feature of the capricious CR-1 was its
retractable landing gear. Operated manually with a crank,
the gear retracted flush with the fuselage. The elder Cessna
believed the gear's configuration "was the only way to
arrange it" because the wings, the strongest part of the
craft, "should not have holes in them" to stow the gear. In
fact, the wings' shallow depth and thin profile were
unsuitable to accommodate the gear.
The reliable Wamer Scarab static, air-cooled radial engine,
rated at 110 hp and surrounded by a full NACA pressure cowl,
was an ideal powerplant for the CR-1, chiefly because of its
small frontal area, low weight and cost compared with larger
engines such as the 240-hp Wright J6-7 or the 300-hp J6-9.
In addition, Cessna had already gained valuable experience
with the Warner, which powered production versions of the
popular Cessna Model AW. About 50 Model AWs were built
between 1927 and 1930.
Although Clyde and Eldon Cessna were responsible for the
overall design ofthe CR-1, much detail design and
engineering work was completed by Garland Powell Peed, Jr.,
a local aeronautical engineer hired by the Cessnas to help
transform their brainchild into reality. He had worked for
Alexander Eaglerock in 1930 and participated in development
of the Eaglerock Bullet, a low-wing monoplane equipped with
retractable landing gear. Peed was also a talented pilot.
When he unveiled the speedster to the
Wichita press early in January 1932, Clyde claimed it could
attain 220 mph and said the airframe was being further
modified to reduce drag Cessna had intended to enter Eldon
and the CR-1 in the Miami All-American Air Races scheduled
for January 5, 1932, but bad weather and delays in
completing the racer thwarted those plans. During the months
following its initial flight, Clyde and Eldon reworked the
CR-1 into the CR-2. Its wingspan was increased to 18 feet to
reduce wing loading, and the fuselage was lengthened to 14
feet 10 inches to improve longitudinal stability. In
addition, the overall area of both the horizontal and
vertical stabilizers was increased. A useful load of 325
pounds accommodated a pilot weighing up to 200 pounds and a
maximum fuel capacity of 21 gallons.
On May 18 the modified racer was ready for its second
flight. Instead of Eldon, however, the pilot was Clyde
Cessna's long-time friend, Roy Liggett, who had flown a
Model AW in closed-course competitions, winning a number of
local and regional events.
The flight, witnessed by the same group of invited guests
who had watched Eldon's ordeal nearly four months earlier,
was uneventful. The ship handled well, and afterward Liggett
estimated that the CR-2 should be able to hit the magic
200-mph mark. When asked how fast he had been flying,
Liggett told Cessna, "Well, I'd say I was going fast, pretty
fast." The airplane had reached speeds between 125 and 150
mph-far below the 200 mph Cessna had hoped for-but Liggett
had not used full throttle. On subsequent flights made at
maximum power, the craft easily exceeded 190 mph, with the
Warner screaming at nearly 3,000 rpm in racing trim.
After additional changes to reduce drag, the CR2 broke the
200-mph barrier and was deemed ready for competition.
Resplendent in a new coat of bright red paint and christened
Miss Wanda in honour of Clyde's daughter, the nimble
monoplane was flown to the Omaha air races on May 26.
Accompanying Liggett, in Miss Wanda, were Eldon Cessna, in
his highly modified Model AW, and pilot George Harte, in his
300-hp Cessna DC-6Awith Walter Beech riding shotgun in the
right seat. Beech had been a member of Cessna Aircraft
Company's board of directors and was a fixture at many air
races in the early 1930s. The Omaha races featured many
famous pilots, including Ben O. "Benny" Howard, Harold
Neumann, Art Chester and John H. "Johnny" Livingston in his
special Monocoupe with clipped wings. Clyde Cessna knew that
Livingston was the man to beat. He had earned a
well-deserved reputation as a tough, highly competitive
pilot who had worked wonders with the Monocoupe and made it
one of the fastest racers on the national air race circuit.
To make the CR-2's public debut a memorable one, Liggett
flashed across the field at maximum speed, the Warner
straining at the top of its voice as the steel propeller
ripped the air asunder. After landing, Liggett and his craft
were quickly surrounded by crowds intent on getting a closer
look at Cessna's latest creation. In its first competitive
event, the CR-2 managed only a disappointing 166.08 mph and
fourth place behind Livingston's Monocoupe, which flew the
course at 170.44 mph. The next day Liggett again found
himself behind Livingston at the finish line, this time
taking fifth place. Still, Miss Wanda had asserted herself
well against more powerful aircraft such as Russell
Boardman's Gee Bee Model Y, which won the event. The CR-2's
final effort at Omaha proved no better. Liggett finished
fifth behind Earl Ortman in the speedy Keith-Rider R-2 San
Francisco, at a speed of 172.21 mph. Despite a significant
horsepower disadvantage, however, the CR-2 had raced wingtip
to wingtip with some serious competition and took home some
hard-earned cash.
To become truly competitive, however, the airplane needed
more power. After the Cessna racing team returned to
Wichita, Clyde Cessna contacted the Warner engine company in
Detroit about obtaining a 145-hp Warner Super Scarab
powerplant to replace the 110-hp engine. He believed that
with 145 hp Miss Wanda could close the performance gap
between herself and the competition and place in the top
three finishing spots. With more regional races on the
agenda and cash in short supply, Cessna temporarily deferred
ordering the Super Scarab.
But the little red racer was not idle. That summer Liggett
took the airplane to the East Coast and entered it in a
series of competitions, including the Niagara, N.Y., races,
where it again flew in the wake of Johnny Livingston's
Monocoupe. By August, Liggett and his eager mount had yet to
win a maJor race or achieve victory over Livingston, Benny
Howard or S.J. "Steve" Wittman, another flier who was making
a name for himself in American air racing. For the CR-2's
next outing, Cessna had his eye on the upcoming NatioHa1 Air
Races (NAR) set for August 27-September 5 in Cleveland,
Ohio. During a time when the nation was suffering from
severe economic depression, many Americans found solace in
the annual NAR, which served for many as a welcome diversion
from their daily struggle to survive. In those days,
daredevil pilots such as Jimmy Doolittle, Roscoe Turner,
Jimmy Wedell and others were heroes to youngsters and adults
alike. They were larger-than-life figures who had captured
the respect and admiration of the people, and each September
when they gathered in Cleveland in an exciting clash of
aerial titans, the public loved it. As for the pilots, they
were attracted by the opportunity to make thousands of
dollars in a few days by winning races. It was a lucrative
sport for those who had the skill and the right airplane to
In preparation for the NAR, Clyde Cessna had hoped to
install the 145-hp Warner in Miss Wanda, but it turned out
that she would have to face her adversaries with the 110-hp
engine. Cessna planned to enter the ship in events open to
airplanes with engines up to 800-cubic-inch displacement,
and the team spent many hours at the shop in Wichita
preparing the scarlet monoplane to do battle around the
pylons. Every inch of the airplane was carefully manicured
for speed. On August 27 Liggett took off for Cleveland.Clyde
and Eldon also attended the races, the latter had won second
place and $500 in the Western Division of the Cord Cup Race.
The Cessna racing team was off to
a good start at the 1932 NAR.
But problems soon arose with the CR-2's landing gear that
cost Cessna first place in the Cincinnati Trophy Race. It
was a cross-country event flown between Cleveland and
Cincinnati with a landing at Cincinnati before the return
leg of the race. Liggett again found himself up against his
arch rival Johnny Livingston, and during the initial leg
Miss Wanda showed her tail to the Monocoupe for the first
time. Before landing at Cincinnati, however, Liggett failed
to fully insert the downlock pins into the landing gear, and
the tubing was twisted when the airplane touched down. As a
result, the gear could not be retracted for the final leg of
the race, and Liggett was forced to fly the distance with
the gear extended. It cost him the race. He quickly fell
from first to third place, flying the route in 2 hours, 32
minutes, 39 seconds and collecting $300. Much to Liggett's
disgust, Livingston won, taking home $900, and S.J. Wittman
took second, pocketing $500.
Clyde Cessna was upset with Liggett for making such a
serious mistake at a crucial time, but he also was thankful
that the gear had not collapsed, putting the racer out of
contention for the remainder of the NAR. Repairs were
hastily made and the gear system checked out. Time was
running out for the Cessna team Anxious to make Miss Wanda
pay her way, Cessna next entered the airplane in the
Free-For-AIl race for 510-cubic-inch, engines. Liggett was
determined to redeem himself, and he flew the ship hard
around the pylons. His efforts were rewarded with a
second-place finish behind Benny Howard in his Menasco-powered
racer dubbed Ike, winning $225. But Liggett had finally beat
Livingston to the chequered flag.
Sensing that things were beginning to lgo his way, Liggett
next flew the CR-2 in the Woolaroc Trophy Race, sponsored by
Oklahoma oil tycoon Frank Phillips. From start to finish the
event was hotly contested by Miss
Wanda, Benny Howard in Ike, and Ray Moore flying a Keith
Rider machine. In the end, Moore took first place and
$1,125 at a speed of 182 mph, while Liggett managed third at
176.5 mph, winning $375. In a hard week of racing, the CR-2
had earned $900, and Eldon had collected another $770 for a
total of $1,670-good wages by any measure in the Depression
era. But the team already had their eyes on other prizes.
After the end of the NAR, Liggett and Eldon Cessna flew
their ships to nearby Sky Harbor, Mich., to compete in the
American Legion Charity Air Meet on September 8. Liggett
placed second in the Free-For-All race, and Eldon won the
Sportsman Pilot event in his trusty Model AW.
With nearly $2,000 in their pockets, the Cessnas and Liggett
returned to Wichita and began laying plans for the 1933
racing season. Clyde and Eldon had shown the "big boys" that
Kansans could build fast, competitive airplanes, and the
CR-2 had struck the fear of Cessna into Messrs. Livingston,
Howard, Wittman and other patriarchs of the sport. Yet one
fact was inescapable: Miss Wanda still was too slow to win
consistently. To do so, she would have to be capable of
speeds in excess of 200 mph, and to attain that goal a more
powerful engine was mandatory. With cash in hand, Cessna
obtained a 145-hp Super Scarab. Unlike the 110-hp version,
the Super Scarab featured a strengthened crankshaft as well
as a larger bore of 4% inches and a stroke of slightly more
than 4X inches. It weighed 305 pounds compared with the
Scarab's 275 pounds, but the additional power more than
offset its greater weight.
Installation of the new powerplant required that some
changes be made to the CR-2's slender airframe, chief among
those an extension of the fuselage to maintain proper weight
and balance characteristics. The Super Scarab's diameter
also was larger than its Scarab sibling, and a larger cowl
had to be fabricated to enclose and properly cool the
engine. Finally, further work was done to reduce drag. On
December 28 the aircraft made its first flight and was
unofficially clocked at 225 mph, according to Clyde Cessna.
To achieve that speed, the propeller blade pitch was set at
an angle that allowed the engine to turn about 2,800 rpm and
develop nearly 175 hp. Charged with a fresh burst of
enthusiasm, Clyde and Eldon quickly completed flight testing
and prepared the CR2 for the upcoming Miami All-American Air
Races in January, which would kick off
the 1933 air racing season. With Roy Liggett at the
stick, a reborn Miss Wanda won the Colonel Green Trophy Race
at an average speed of 195.74 mph, earning $300. Liggett
savoured the victory even more because his old nemesis,
Johnny Livingston and his faithful Monocoupe, placed a
distant second. Miss Wanda had beaten the Monocoupe with
little difficulty, and it was evident to Livingston that the
CR-2 was a much more serious adversary to be reckoned with
in 1933 than it had been in 1932.
To a savvy, experienced pilot like Livingston, losing the
race signaled that the days of his beloved Monocoupe were
numbered. He soon decided to have a talk with Clyde Cessna
about obtaining a new racer similar to the CR-2. Liggett
went on to place second in the Unlimited Free-For-All race,
trailing Jimmy Wedell and his Pratt & Whitney-powered No. 44
monoplane. Roy collected $200, and Miss Wanda posted an
average speed of 195.25 mph.
After the Miami races concluded, Liggett returned the
airplane to Wichita, where it underwent a series of minor
modifications during the winter months to reinforce its
competitive advantage. Those changes were deemed necessary
because Clyde and Eldon had by then created their own worst
competition- the CR-3 they built for Johnny Livingston. The
first meeting of the two Cessna racers occurred at the
Chicago American Air Races in July 1933. Liggett was
unavailable, and Clyde asked racing pilot Art Davis to take
command of Miss Wanda. As foretold by Clyde Cessna himself,
the two Wichita racers were about to go wingtip to wingtip
in a fight for the big money. Livingston won first, in the
Baby Ruth Trophy race at a speed of 201.42 mph, with pilot
Art Davis flying the CR-2 to a second-place spot at 200.76
mph. It was evident that the two machines could not have
been more evenly matched. Only the skill of their pilots
ultimately decided who would cross the finish line first.
The two racers fought again on July 4 in the Aero Digest
Trophy race. They battled each other for the lead, with the
CR-2 and the CR-3 almost neck and neck around the pylons.
But as the race progressed, Livingston was able to capture
precious fractions of a second during pylon turns that
eventually gave him the victory over Davis. Livingston won
$2,250, with Davis collecting $1,250. Livingston and the CR3
seemed unbeatable. A frustrated Clyde Cessna, however, had
his own plans for further modifying Miss Wanda into a more
aggressive contender. The airplane was returned to Cessna's
shop. Thirty days later she emerged from behind closed doors
sporting a new, dark-red paint scheme, a completely
redesigned cockpit enclosure similar to that of
the CR-3, and a set of small panels that completely
enclosed the landing gear when it was retracted. A new
cowling hugger1 the Super Scarab and featured prominent,
tapered blisters that covered the rocker boxes above each
cylinder. The leading edge of the cowl formed a smaller
intake area than the previous unit had. Unfortunately, the
snazzy new cowling would prove to be the airplane's
Achilles' heel. Cessna dubbed the racer the CR-2A, and Roy
Liggett flew a series of speed trials with the airplane on
August 30, 1933. It was unofficially clocked at 250 mph on
one pass across the airport, and Cessna reported to the
local press that the airplane had hit 270 mph.
With no time remaining for a thorough flight-test program,
later that day Cessna sent Roy Liggett off
to Chicago to compete in the International Air Races
being held there September 1 through September 4. Liggett
and the airplane arrived without mishap, and his spirits
were high. Clyde and Eldon flew to the races in Eldon's
Model AW and quickly began final preparations to make Miss
Wanda ready for racing. During qualifying heats Liggett and
his steed easily met minimum performance requirements,
clipping around the course at a leisurely 183 mph to
conserve the Super Scarab for the serious battles to come.
When the competition began, Liggett took second in the 550
cubic-inch displacement race with an average speed of 191.4
mph. He was confident that he would win or place well in
four upcoming events that were ideally suited for the speedy
On September 2, high winds were blowing across the
Curtiss-Reynolds Airport as Liggett took off to compete in
the Shell Speed Dash event. With his airspeed approaching
200 mph, Liggett flashed across the field at an altitude of
about 300 feet, fighting the turbulence. According to Clyde
Cessna, who was watching the race, a section of the cowling
suddenly ripped free and smashed into the right wing,
separating it from the fuselage. Miss Wanda whipped into a
vicious roll to the right that Liggett was powerless to
oppose. In seconds, the red racer plunged into a cornfield
and exploded with a thunderous boom. Liggett was killed
instantly, and the racer was consumed by fire and destroyed.
The impact was so great that the steel tubing of the
fuselage clenched Liggett's mangled body like a closed fist.
Rescue workers were forced to use special equipment to free
his corpse.
Cessna was shocked and stunned by what he had seen. Not only
had he lost a friend, but the loss was also made more
painful because one of his own creations had taken that
friend's life. Something within Clyde Cessna snapped that
day. In an instant, he lost the drive and determination to
build fast airplanes that had been the heart and soul of his
aviation career for the past 22 years. People who knew
Cessna well later agreed that, after Liggett's death, Cessna
lost virtually all interest in aeronautics, air racing and
flying. But true to his character, he provided financial
support to Liggett's widow and children.
The CR2 and the CR-3 were a special breed of flying machine
whose sole purpose was to push the limits of aviation
technology. Flown by pilots who dared to force themselves
and their machines to the edge of extinction, the Cessna
racers wrote a key chapter in the annals of a bygone era, a
time when sheer speed and nerves of steel forged the Golden
Age of air racing. |