Johnson: Pioneer Airwoman

Johnson was born July 1, 1903, in Hull Yorkshire and lived there until
she went to Sheffield University in 1923 to read for a BA. After
graduating, she moved on to work as a secretary to a London solicitor
where she also became interested in flying. Amy began to learn to fly at
the London Aeroplane Club in the winter of 1928-29 and her hobby soon
became an all-consuming determination, not simply to make a career in
aviation, but to succeed in some project which would demonstrate to the
world that women could be as competent as men in a hitherto male
dominated field.
Her first important achievement,
after flying solo, was to qualify as the first British-trained woman
ground engineer. For awhile she was the only woman G.E. in the world.
Early in 1930, she chose her
objective: to fly solo to Australia and to beat Bert Hinkler's record of
16 days. At first, her efforts to raise financial support failed, but
eventually Lord Wakefield agreed his oil company should help. Amy's
father and Wakefield shared the 600 pound purchase price of a used DH
Gypsy Moth (G-AAAH) and it was named Jason after the family business
Amy set off alone in a single engine
Gypsy Moth from Croydon on May 5, 1930, and landed in Darwin on May 24,
an epic flight of 11,000 miles. She was the first woman to fly alone to
In July 1931, she set an England to
Japan record in a Puss Moth with Jack Humphreys. In July 1932, she set a
record from England to Capetown, solo, in a Puss Moth. In May, 1936, she
set a record from England to Cape town, solo, in a Percival Gull, a
flight to retrieve her 1932 record.
With her husband, Jim Mollison, she
also flew in a DH Dragon non-stop from Pendine Sands, South Wales, to the
United States in 1933. They also flew non-stop in record time to India in
1934 in a DH Comet in the England to Australia air race. The Mollisons
were divorced in 1938.
After her commercial flying ended
with the outbreak of World World II in 1939, Amy joined the Air
Transport Auxiliary, a pool of experienced pilots who were ineligible
for RAF service. Her flying duties consisted of ferrying aircraft from
factory airstrips to RAF bases.
It was on one of these routine
flights on January 5, 1941, that Amy crashed into the Thames estuary and
was drowned, a tragic and early end to the life of Britain's most famous
woman pilot.
Amy is remembered in many ways, one
of which is the British Women Pilot's Association award -- an annual Amy
Johnson Memorial Trust Scholarship to help outstanding women pilots
further their careers.
The World at Her
Feet: Amy Johnson Takes on Australia
Raul Colon
In 1930 the world took notice of a
different type of flyer. Amy Johnson was a newcomer to the world of long
distance flying, but in May of that year she took the aviation world by
surprise when she flew her single engine Gipsy Moth biplane, named
Jason; from London to Darwin. Although her nineteen days, eleven
countries journey did not break any aviation records, it represented a
breakthrough for women all around the globe. Many aviation enthusiasts
as well as much of the public in Europe and America were amazed at the
incredible feat accomplished by this unpretentious young woman from
Yorkshire, Great Britain. They were even more impressed at the fact that
before her ground breaking feat, Johnson had only eighty five hours of
actual flying experience!
Amy Johnson was born on July 1st, 1903,
months before the Wright Brothers introduced the world to aviation, in
Hull. Her father was a fisherman and raised young Amy to be a strong and
independent woman. Since her early teens, young Amy was keen to find her
place in the world, even if it meant entering into fields usually
associated with men. In the 1920s she attended Sheffield University for
a brief period before discovering that academic life was not suited for
her and her ambitions. After dropping collage, Johnson went on to work
with her father; from there she took a clerical position with an up and
coming advertising agency in downtown London.
Although those jobs offered her the ability
to pay the bills, Amy wanted more out of life. She wanted to live an
adventure, to live in the edge. She found that edge in flying.
She joined the prestigious London Aeroplane
Club in the summer of 1928 and quickly fell in love with aviation. As
she has done during all her life, Amy applied herself to this new task.
She earned her pilot’s license and a second one in ground engineering.
With those two licenses under her belt, Johnson went on to the aviation
community with a new sense of purpose, a new attitude. She was a shrewd
self promoter in a male-dominated environment. She tried to attract
patrons and donors in order to finance her dreams of making a difference
in the world. She always came up with interesting ideas on how to
promote her efforts.
Once she told a local newspaper reporter
that she was aiming to beak Bert Hinkler’s record of flying from England
to Australia. He did it in fifteen and half days during the spring of
Flying from the U.K. to Australia in those
early pioneers days must had offered any person one of the most
demanding challenges in human endeavour. The first to try were two
Australian lieutenants, Ray Parer and John McIntosh. After the Great War
ended, Parer and MaIntosh commenced preparations to fly to Australia
from their base in England. In 1920 they embarked on their challenge.
Utilizing a World War I vintage DH.9 biplane they began their trek.
Unfortunately for them, flying from the south of the U.K. to Darwin, was
a more demanding journey that the two young Australian lieutenants
hoped. Their DH.9 suffered numerous mechanical problems. It took them
forty days just to reach Cairo, Egypt. They crashed over Baghdad and had
the misfortune to spend six weeks in the jungle, before finally arriving
at Darwin with a damaged aircraft and a pint of fuel. During her
research into the planned trip, Johnson took more care in detail
planning than did the two Australians ten years before.
The first step for Amy was to secure the
necessary financial backing for the proposed enterprise. Financial
support was necessary for her endeavour to succeed. Her father offered a
credit line which enabled young Amy to quit her clerical job and to
purchase an aircraft. After securing her own plane, Johnson courted
prominent London personalities in an effort to gather the necessary
logistical backing needed for the planned adventure. One of those , Lord
Wakefield, the Castrol Oil Company magnate, played a key role in
securing fuel stores along the proposed flight path to the country down
under. The aircraft bought with her father's assistance was a de
Havilland DH.60G Gipsy Moth biplane. She named it Jason. Jason was a
small, single seat aircraft with an open cockpit design. Jason was
equipped with added fuel tanks for long distance flights. The DH.60G was
powered by a single, four cylinder, air-cooled engine capable of
generating 100hp. The engine gave the 60G a top cruising speed of only
eighty five miles per hours. But what the small aircraft lacked in
speed, it made it for in sturdiness and operational range. The most
important factor when operating over vast ocean distances. With the
necessary tools on hand, all that it was left for Johnson to do was to
actually attempt to fly to Australia, and fly she did.
Amy Johnson took to the air for her
historic flight in the early hours of May 5th, 1930 A small crowd,
mainly family and friends, was gathered at the Croyden Airport to see
Amy off. The first phase of her trip called for crossing the English
Channel and then head up to the Asperne airport in Vienna, Austria. The
complete trip covered eight hundred miles, a distance she covered on the
very first day of her endeavour without any weather or mechanical
related problem. Next for Johnson, was the route from Vienna to
Istanbul, another eight hundred miles to cover. Again she covered the
distance without a problem, only fatigue bothered her. On May 7th, she
flew her 60G airplane over the rugged Taurus Mountains of Turkey, with
peaks as high as 12,000’. She aimed to land some five hundred and fifty
miles away, at the Aleppo airfield in Syria.
It was on this flight leg that Amy
encountered her first real test. While flying through turbulence at
8,000’, Johnson encountered dense cloud covered that forced her to fly
over a long stretch of mountainous terrain with minimal visibility. The
passes were difficult to manoeuvre in with unlimited visibility to begin
with, and now, without the assistance of a full spectrum of visibility,
Johnson was able to manage the narrow passages with pin point precision.
In some instances, her aircraft came within a few feet of hitting the
rocky edges of the mountains. After passing the mountains ranges,
Johnson elected to follow a railway line all the way into Aleppo. The
fourth day of flight brought massive storms along the Aleppo to
Baghdad route. This weather presented a problem for Amy. Up to this
point she was ahead of Hinkler’s record pace.
With an almost complete disregard for the
weather conditions, Amy took off from Aleppo in route to Baghdad, a four
hundred and thirty mile trek. During the first few hours of the flight,
Johnson did not encounter any major complications, weather or
mechanically related, but the trend did not last. Unexpectedly, a strong
wind gale forced her to dive relentlessly from her altitude of around
7,000’ to almost hitting the ground; it was at this point that she
decided to suspend the rest of the flight and land immediately in the
desert. There was nothing Johnson could do now but wait out the storm.
As suddenly as the storm front appear, it finished and Amy was able to
resume her flight within two hours after landing in the desert. Once in
the air, Amt promptly located the Tigris River and followed all the way
to Baghdad where she landed in a British-run airport on May 8th. The
following day, Johnson was airborne again, this time in route to Bander
Abbas, eight hundred and forty miles to the south-eastern part of the
Persian Gulf.
She covered the distance without a glitch.
May 10th saw her flying off to Karachi, seven hundred and thirty miles
way. When she landed at this British held city, she was received by the
residents as a folk hero. Her solo flight from London to Karachi in just
eight days was a record and most importantly for Amy, it put her two
full days ahead of Hinkler’s pace. Johnson did not have time to enjoy
the spoils of her success if she was to break the record. On May 11th
Amy took off her from Karachi to Allahabad, a city in British-controlled
India. In mid flight Amy discovered that the 60G’s fuel tanks were not
filled to capacity thus forcing her land nearly two hundred miles away
from her destination. While landing, her 60G suffered wing damages after
hitting a post. She quickly repaired the wing and after refuelling
her aircraft, thanks to a nearby local British garrison, she was once
again underway. After she reached Allahabad, she continued to the Dumdum
airfield in Calcutta, reaching it during the late evening hours of May
She was still on pace to break the record,
but now fatigue, not the weather on mechanical difficulties, started to
play a major role on her quest. Flying ten to twelve hours a day were
beginning to take their toll on the young woman from Hull. The next
phase of the journey called for a flight from Calcutta to Rangoon in
Burma, a journey of nearly six hundred and fifty miles. On May 13th she
departed Calcutta at 7:00 am; she encountered a weather front near the
Yomas range that forced her to deviate from the original flight plan.
She commenced tracking the Burmese coastline until she reached Rangoon.
Her target landing area was an abandoned race track, but due to the poor
visibility she landed on a soccer field. As was the case with her
emergency landing in the desert a few days ago, this forced landing
damaged her airplane’s wing structure and the engine propeller.
Fortunately, Johnson was a prepared woman and brought along with her a
new propeller.
The wing was repaired by friendly strangers
that appeared a few minutes after she landed. But the necessary repairs
took three precious days. She needed to get in the air quickly and in
the early morning hours of May 17th she took off from Rangoon in route
to Bangkok, three hundred and forty miles away. The weather again played
a key role in Amy’s quest. Constant rain drops and poor visibility posed
a major problem for Johnson, but she decided to press on to Bangkok,
again as it was the case a few days before, Amy found a railroad line
and followed it all the way to her destination. The days of May 17th and
18th saw Amy and her aircraft cruising over the Malaya Peninsula to
Singapore. This flight was uneventful and Johnson landed safely on
Singapore. The next phase of the journey called for a one thousand mile
trek covering the majority of the Dutch East Indies (present day
Indonesia). The original plan called for a trip to Surabaya in the
island of Java, but mechanical problems altered that path and Amy was
forced to land at Tjomal in the central section of Java.
After servicing her aircraft, Amy took off
from Surabaya on the morning of May 22nd with the aim of reaching
Atambua, nine hundred miles away. The flight was without weather or
mechanical problems, but poor navigation by the young Amy deviated her
from her original landing site. She landed at Haliluk, a remote tropical
area, twelfth miles away. By the afternoon of the 23rd, Amy finally
reached Atambua, the launching point for the final phase of her amazing
quest, Port Darwin, Australia. The last leg of the trip was probably the
most danger one. The journey called for Johnson to fly her DH60 airplane
over the Sea of Timor enroute to Darwin, a distance of five hundred
miles. The difficult part of the trip was that if any major situation
arise and Amy needed to crash land, the most likely place she would be
able to do it was the vast and isolated open waters of the Sea of Timor,
the ditching would probably have meant death since the area was seldom
used by commercial or military vessels at the time.
Amy Johnson departed on May 24th, Empire Day, almost three weeks since
the day she took off from Croyden Airport. The near eleven thousand mile
journey, that saw her pass over the deserts of the Middle East, the
jungles of the Indian subcontinent and the tropical islands of the Dutch
East Indies; was almost over. Since her departure from Atumbua the
weather was kind to Amy, she was even spotted by a Shell Oil Company
tanker, the Phorus, during her crossing of the Great Barrier Reef. The
tanker radioed in the news of Miss Johnson’s aircraft approaching Darwin
prompting several pilots to take off and try to meet her at mid air.
A task they failed to achieve.
But Amy did arrive in Australia at 3:30 in
the afternoon. When she landed, the young woman from Hull received the
acclaim she so desperately craved for. The local and international press
hailed the young and remarkable, inexperienced flyer from England. The
Prime Minister of Britain, Ramsey MacDonald, prominent dignitaries, even
the King and Queen of England called on young Amy to congratulate her.
Amy Johnson was at the top of the world. Becoming the first woman to
attempt and complete such a dangerous journey propelled Johnson to
celebrity status. The next decade saw Amy establish two more world
records, flying from London to Cape Town, South Africa. When World War
II arrived, Johnson enlisted in the Air Transport Auxiliary service,
ferrying aircraft from British factories to Royal Air Force bases. On
one of those ferry mission in January 5th, 1941, she crashed into the
Thames estuary and drowned in somewhat mysterious circumstances ending
the life of one of the most important figures in aviation history.