Bleriot's cross-Channel flight excited
Europe as nothing else had. The City of Reims and the
French vintners of the Champagne region decided to
sponsor a week of aviation exhibition and competition,
putting up large purses in prize money, the most
prestigious being the International Aviation Cup, known
as the Gordon Bennett Trophy, after its sponsor, James
Gordon Bennett, the flamboyant American publisher of the
New York Herald and the Paris Herald. The meet attracted
the cream of European society, from royalty and generals
to ambassadors and the merely wealthy, to the Betheny
Plain outside Reims from August 22 to 29, 1909. While
there were to be many other such meets before and after
World War 1, none would match Reims for grandeur and
elegance or for sheer excitement.
The major European manufacturers, all
French, entered various events. There
were 'planes by Bleriot,
Voisin, Antoinette, and Farman, and even several French-built
Wrights. The Wrights themselves had passed on an
invitation to race at Reims, which was awkward since the
Gordon Bennett Trophy was crowned with a large replica of
a Wright Flyer. The Aero Club of America, which had
sponsored the Scientific American trophy won by Curtiss a
year earlier, turned to Curtiss. Curtiss' June Bug was
not as well developed a plane as the Wright machines (and
possibly the Wrights were hoping to drive this point home
if Curtiss failed at Reims) and while it was more
maneuverable than the European planes, it was not nearly
as fast.

1909 Voisin
Curtiss worked feverishly to produce a more powerful
engine and stripped down his airplane to give it greater
speed. The result was the Golden Flyer, which was a
light version of his earlier planes and had a
50-horsepower water-cooled engine. With virtually no
time to test the engine or the airplane, Curtiss packed
and was off to Reims. When he arrived, he found that the
accommodations for the aviators set up by their
manufacturers were as extravagant as those of the
spectators. Elaborate cooking facilities, decorated
hangars, fully stocked machine shops, trunks brimming
with clothing, spare parts and backup planes, and a
retinue of mechanics and helpers, all floated on an
ebullient sea of champagne provided by the sponsors.
Curtiss' spartan approach was a simple tent, a single
plane, and two scruffily dressed mechanics. So surprised
were the French that he instantly became a favorite.
brief but heavy rain on the first day turned the field
into a muddy plain that was to affect take-offs
throughout the meet. But there were so many aircraft,
built by every major manufacturer and flown by every
famous aviator, that the crowd was kept enthralled for
the entire week. The early winners included Farman,
flying one of his own planes equipped with the newly
designed Gnome rotary engine, just beating Latham (flying
an Antoinette) and Louis Paulhan (flying a Voisin) for
the endurance championship; Latham, who won the altitude
championship handily; and Eugene Lefebvre, flying a
Wright Model A, who had the best qualifying round for the
Gordon Bennett Trophy. Curtiss, aware that he had only
one plane and precious few replacement parts, held back
and worked on his aircraft in secret, trying to lighten
it and squeeze out more power from the engine. He knew
that his plane was not as fast on the straightaway as the
light, single-winged Bleriot XII, which was outfitted
with a new 80-horsepower engine, but he had won many a
motorcycle race on the turns with inferior machines.
On the last day of the meet, the race
was held for the Gordon Bennett Trophy. It came down to
a contest among Lefebvre, Latham, Bleriot, George
Cockburn (a Scott flying a Farman plane), and Curtiss,
now flying a machine he called the Rheims Racer, which
was in fact a further stripped-down model of the Golden
Flyer. The course consisted of two six-mile (10km)
circuits around tall towers, with each plane flying alone
and timed. Cockburn was the only entrant who failed to
finish, his aircraft crashing into a haystack after a
single lap. The others thrilled the crowd with their
sharp turns and with the drama of the race. During tests,
Curtiss noticed that the field, drenched by the rains
earlier in the week but now drying, had pockets of
updrafts that tossed his lighter plane violently. He
guessed (blindly, but correctly) that these updrafts
would increase the efficiency of his propellers and could
help carry him forward and keep him steady on the
turns. He abruptly notified the judges that he was going
to race (fearing the updrafts would wane as the day grew
hotter) and took off. His flight was a bumpy one as he
bobbed up and down trying to catch the updrafts while
keeping his plane under control and taking the sharp
turns. It was an extraordinary feat of piloting, because
when he landed, he had been timed at fifteen minutes and
50.4 seconds. Lefebvre and Latham did not come close to
that time, so French hopes rested with Bleriot, who
decided to pilot his own plane, replacing Leon Delagrange,
the lighter man who had flown Bleriot's planes throughout
the meet. Delagrange had not flown well and had nearly
had a mid-air collision with Paulhan the day before.

Curtiss Reims Racer
During a test run, the powerful Bleriot XII
had streaked
straight across the sky and completed a lap ten
seconds faster than Curtiss, who watched from the
sidelines, anticipating a second-place finish. But
during the official run, Bleriot took the turn clumsily and swung wider than
necessary. He cruised to a perfect landing and the
crowd, judging the French aviator's speed only on the
straightaway, was certain he had won. But his time was
fifteen minutes and 56.2 seconds, 5.8 seconds longer
than Curtiss. Bleriot was left to wonder if his added
weight was responsible for those extra 5.8 seconds, while
Curtiss was hailed as "Champion Aviator of the World" in
headlines from Paris to Dayton.
The Second
Gordon Bennett Race
When Glenn
Curtiss won the first Gordon Bennett Race, it became the
duty of the USA to stage the second, which was soon
scheduled as the feature of the first major air race in
America, October 22-30 at Belmont Park, Long Island, New
York. By scheduling the meet so late in the year and on
an island jutting into the Atlantic, cold and windy
conditions were guaranteed.
The Gordon Bennett Race was for 20 laps around the
5-km./3.1-mi., pylon-marked course. Claude Grahame-White,
of England, set the pace in his new, modified French 100
hp Bleriot XIbis monoplane, with a total time of
1:10:04.74 and a speed of 61.0 mph, which was a new
world record for the distance. Next to fly was Alfred
LeBlanc, of France, in a stock Bleriot XI. Each of his
lap times was faster than Grahame-White’s, and all were
much more consistent. By the end of Lap 19, LeBlanc was
leading by more than five minutes
Then, racing luck intervened when LeBlanc ran out of gas
on the last lap. While making a dead-stick landing, he
smashed into a telegraph pole, demolishing his airplane,
but escaping with minor injuries. Almost an hour back in
second place was American John Moissant, whose Bleriot XI
averaged 33.7 mph.
The meet ended on a sour note as the rules for the race
to the Statue of Liberty and back became embroiled in a
dispute, and many of the pilots boycotted the awards
banquet. But it had demonstrated the rapid advances in
airplane performance to the world.
The Third
Gordon Bennett Race
The race was
held July at Eastchurch, England, and provided the
closest finish in any race to date, along with the first
race-modified airplane seen. Gustave Hamel’s Bleriot had
its wings severely clipped, with the major result being
to reduce the effectiveness of his wing-warping roll
control. He failed to complete his first pylon turn,
slamming into the ground and demolishing his airplane,
while escaping with no serious injuries.
The surprise winner was Charles Weymann, an American born
in Haiti, whose clean 100 hp Nieuport completed the 25
laps of the 6-km./3.7-mi. course in 1:11:36.2 for an
average of 78.11 mph. Close behind was last year’s
hard-luck pilot, Alfred LeBlanc, in a Bleriot, who was
clocked in 1:13:40.2 for 75.91 mph. Third was Edward
Nieuport in one of his own airplanes in 1:14:37.2 and
74.98 mph.
The formula
for long-term success in air racing was taking shape:
more horsepower and less aerodynamic drag.
The Fourth
Gordon Bennett Race
The second
Gordon Bennett Race to be held in America was on
September 9 at Clearing, near what is now Chicago’s
Midway Airport. The race was for 30 laps of the
4.14-mile course. A small crowd was on hand, due in part
to the poor location, and to advance publicity which
predicted a runaway win by the French.
The great hope of the American Team was the “Defender”,
which looked like an improved Bleriot. When it wasn’t
ready in time, only Paul Peck and his Columbia biplane
remained, and they were stuck at the starting line with a
flat tire.
The French completed the expected clean sweep. First was
Jules Vedrines, in a slick Deperdussin monoplane, in
1:01:51 for a record speed of 105.5 mph. Maurice Prevost
was second in an identical airplane, in 1:15:25 for 103.8
mph. Andre Frey, flying a Hanriot monoplane, dropped out
late in the race while averaging 94 mph.
Speed flying was fast becoming the preserve of the
French, who held most of the important world records and
The Gordon Bennett Race

Bennett Trophy
The race was held on September 29 at Reims, site of the
historic first race in 1909. Eight of the nine entries
flew monoplanes, and only Henri Crombez, a Belgian,
interrupted what would have been an all-French field
after Great Britain, Germany and the USA had withdrawn.
The race consisted of 20 laps of the 10-km./6.21-mi.)
course for a total of 124 ¼ miles.
The 14-cylinder, 160 hp Gnome-powered Deperdussins
dominated a very close race, with Maurice Prevost winning
at a record 124.78 mph to become the first to fly 200 km.
in less than one hour. Barely a minute behind him at the
finish was Emile Vedrines, the brother of Jules, in a
Ponnier at 122.53 mph. Just as close behind him was
Eugene Gilbert in a second Deperdussin at 118.51 mph.
Bringing up the rear was Crombez in a third Deperdussin,
at 106.73 mph. The superiority of this type of
wonderfully streamlined monoplane was proven beyond
The Sixth James Gordon Bennett Race
It was held September 28, for three round trips of a
62-mile straight course between Etampes and Gidy,
France. There were starters from the USA, Great Britain
and France. Most interesting was the Dayton-Wright RB-1,
a private, custom-built American racer featuring a flush
canopy, fully retractable landing gear and a wing with
both leading-edge and trailing-edge flaps.
Four of the six pilots dropped out with mechanical
trouble, though George Kirsch had a first lap at 178
mph. The winner, at an average of 168.732 mph, was Sadi
Lecointe, in a Nieuport 29V. In second was Bernard de
Romanet in a SPAD S.20bis; his average speed of 112.851
mph would have been much higher if not for a stop.
Howard Reinhart’s race in the RB-1 ended on lap 1 when
his rudder cable broke.
When the French won the trophy for the third time in a
row, they retired it and the Gordon Bennett Race series
ended. |