Laird/Turner Meteor

In 1936, Col. Roscoe Turner, an old timer in the race game,
felt the need of a new racing mount. Colonel Turner, Nevada
National Guard, had been a famous name in race history since
1924. Along with his robin's egg blue uniform, whipcord
breeches, military cap, gold wings
with RT in bold letters, he also had Gilmore
his pet lion.

replica aircraft
Gilmore accompanied Roscoe on most of his cross country
record breaking flights and his name, along with the flashy
uniform, became synonymous with Colonel Turner. Roscoe had
set many records with his Lockheed Vega, Air Express, and
Wedell Williams but the Wedell was getting outclassed and in
1936 Turner contracted with Lawrence W. Brown Aircraft
Company to build him a new racing aircraft. The racer was
designed by Turner himself and engineered
by Howard Barlow of the University
of Minnesota. The ship *as built at the Brown factory in
California and completed in mid-year 1936. It was a full
cantilever mid-wing monoplane, fixed gear and powered by a
Twin Wasp Sr., 1830 cu. in. 1000 hp engine. The wing span of
the original racer was approximately 22 ft. and quite narrow
in chord. The fuselage was constructed of chrome-moly tubing
with spruce and fabric fairing.
The two solid wing spars were of 14 ply laminated spruce,
ribs were reinforced plywood and the leading edge metal
covered. The fuselage was covered with metal from the engine
cow] to the cockpit and from this point rearward Irish linen
was used for covering. There was also a strip along the
bottom of the fuselage that was metal covered to protect
this portion from flying stones during take-off and
landings. The rudder faired smoothly into the tail cone of
the fuselage, giving an uninterrupted airflow line.
The stabilizers were constructed of wood and the elevators
and rudder were steel tubing. All were fabric covered. The
paint job was a silver gray, license number R263Y and race
number 29. The wheels were un-spatted
but were thin and equipped with full side caps. Turner flew
out to California to test the aircraft but after looking it
over decided it was too heavy for the narrow wing. The racer
was never flown with the narrow wing but was taken apart and
shipped to the Laird factory at Chicago. Turner then
redesigned the wing and Matty Laird rebuilt the racer in his
During the redesigning Turner had approximately 13/2 M.
added to each wing, the chord width increased, and the
engine set back 6 in. The final specifications of the Turner
Racer were: wing span 25 ft., length 23 ft. 4 in., height 10
ft., wing area 95 sq. ft. empty weight 3300 lbs., gross
weight 4923 lbs., wing loading 51.8 lbs. and a power loading
of 4.92 lbs. It carried 215 gallons of fuel and had an oil
capacity of 15 gallons. Manually controlled wing flaps
decreased the landing speed.
The speedster was sponsored in 1937 by Ring Free Oil and
arrived at the Nationals wearing the name "Ring Free
Meteor", a star, and race number 29 on its flanks. The name
Laird in a diamond appeared on the vertical stabilizer.
Roscoe and the "Meteor" got off to a bad start as he was
forced out of the Bendix when a welding explosion ruptured
the oil tank of the racer. However, he was very fortunate
that the speedster was not completely destroyed. Then en
route to the races he flew through a hail storm, causing
considerable damage to the leading edge of the wing. He
repaired the damage and entered the Thompson Trophy Race and
was running second behind Steve Wittman and his D-12 "Bonzo".
Wittman developed trouble on the 17th lap and Turner slid
into the lead.
He held the lead until the final lap and on one of the final
pylons, blinded by the sun, felt that he had cut the pylon
so he returned and re-circled it.
At this point he was passed by Earl Ortman in the Keith
Rider R-3 and Rudy Kling in the sleek Folkerts SK-3. Turner
and the "Meteor" finished third in the Thompson
with a speed of 253.802 mph.

Roscoe roared into the 1938 National Air Races with his
silver Meteor and a determination to win the Thompson
Trophy. During the early part of the year he had experienced
problems in cooling and lubrication but these bugs had been
worked out and the Wasp was full of vitamins. Only minor
changes had been made on the racer itself. One was the wheel
pants covering the gear. The racer's new sponsor was the
Pump Engineering Service Corporation of Cleveland. The name
"Ring Free" had been removed and "Pesco Special" replaced
it. Many stories have been circulated about some of the
pilots planning to box Turner and the "Pesco" so he could
not win the race and that his answer was, "I'll chew their
fuselage apart with this big fan of mine and then bail out".
However, none of these stories have ever been proven true.
The ships lined up for-the Thompson and as the flag dropped
the "Pesco Special" sprang forward as the big Wasp screamed
under full throttle. At 100 mph the racer appeared alive,
aware of her controls, and at 125 mph Turner lifted her into
the air.

On the first lap the "Pesco Special" was running second
behind Earl Ortman in the R-3. The Twin Wasp Sr. SBG-177
that had been built and delivered in 1936 was rated at 1000
hp at 2600 rpms and a maximum manifold pressure at takeoff
of 40.3 in. HG. Turner was turning the Wasp slightly over
the 2600 rpm mark and pulling 47 in. HG. (6.7 in. over
maximum). He held this all during the 300 mile grind,
consuming 185 gallons of fuel (under 2 miles to the gallon)
and with no damage to the engine. Pulling this power and
flying a wide race so as not to cut a pylon, Roscoe streaked
ahead of Ortman and went on to win the Thompson with a speed
of 283.416 mph, turning one lap at 293 mph. With this win he
became the only two time winner of the Thompson Trophy Race.
Turner and his powerful Racer was back in 1939. No changes
had been made in the ship, except
the sponsor. Champion Spark Plugs
now sponsored.
The speedster and their insignia
appeared on the fuselage and the racer was now known as the
"Miss Champion". Turner considered Ortman and Wittman top
competitors for the Thompson Race but figured Ortman was too
young and would not plan all the angles for the long race,
so Wittman would be the man to beat. Roscoe was slow getting
off the ground in the start of the Thompson and was setting
in fourth spot. Then it happened again, on the second lap he
cut a pylon and had to go back and re-circle it. He now
trailed the entire field but he pushed the hay to all the
extra horses in the nose, streaking by the other racers one
at a time, and pulled into the lead. He went on to win with
a speed of 282.5 mph and became the first and only two and
three time winner of the Thompson Trophy Race.

After the race Colonel Turner stated that he and the "Miss
Champion" were retiring from the race game. Today the racer
can be seen hanging in the Roscoe Turner hangar at
Indianapolis. |